Thursday, October 25, 2012

Apple Declines to 'Just Fine' - Forbes

I don’t expect to see any shivering, excited customers waiting all night in lines outside Apple stores when the new products are delivered just in time for the Holiday shopping season.

That doesn’t mean sales won’t do just fine.  Reception was just fine yesterday when Apple introduced a new iPad Mini Tablet and a modestly refined new iPad.  And “just fine” is a nice step up from the awful response Apple received to its mapping app a few weeks ago, a product so awful that CEO Tim Cook had to issue an apology and urge customers to use maps from the company’s toughest competitors. Even if Apple Maps did work, you wouldn’t be able to use the app on the Mini. It seems that Apple didn’t bother to install GPS in its newest mobile device.

Once they do that, the device will be just fine, but a little pricey.

We expect pricey from Apple. That’s because for more than a decade, nearly everything they have introduced has been far better than “just fine.” We’ve come to expect “awesome,” and “world changing.” We’ve come to expect wondrous shiny things we had never imagined yet suddenly, we could not live without.

“Just fine” from Apple seems to me to be disappointing at best.

Elsewhere in the technology universe, Microsoft launched Windows 8. It is a significant modernization from the aging Windows 7, used by about one billion of the world’s slower adopters. If the former world-dominator sells upgrades to just half it’s installed base, it will do just fine.

More important, early reviews say that Windows 8 gives Microsoft a real chance to be a player in the all-important mobile market, an exploding market shaped by brilliantly disruptive innovations from an earlier, more-inspired Apple.

I am a long-standing Apple fan boy. Every device I own is an Apple. I’ve been willing to pay a premium, because â€"as Steve Jobs used to sayâ€"everything else was just crap.

Everything else is no longer just crap. If you look around there are lots of great products such as the Samsung Galaxy 2 and the Nexus 7 and perhaps the next generation of Windows 8 phones and tablets. The quality of it is getting closer to what you expect from Apple but the prices are lower.

In fact, devices are starting to look more and more like each other. Hardware devices are becoming commodities. If you look at your modern device, there isn’t much else needed. They are powerful, versatile, sophisticated devices that can accommodate more mobile apps than any of us will ever use.

In fact those mobile apps is where competition is likely to be experienced and there Android now has the edge. More developers are now working on Android platforms first, because Android is more open than iOS from Apple.

Apple, at this moment, remains the king of the consumer technology mountain. It will be a long timeâ€"if everâ€"before Apple crashes and burns. But it is surrounded by extremely viable competitors on multiple fronts.

Google CEO Eric Schmidt  recently said publically that Google and Apple are engaged in the

Sean Gallup/Getty Images

defining battle for mobile.  Amazon and Apple bump in retail and in tablets. Microsoft is the dark horse scrambling to get back into the gameâ€"but it has more paying customers than any other company.

One can only speculate about the loss of Steve Jobs, the genius-tyrant whose thumbprint has been on almost every brilliant and elegant product to ever come out of Apple. Personally, I doubt that Jobs would ever have allowed the Maps app to embarrass the company. If he had, he would not have apologized for it, but would have argued a compelling case how the maps were better than we critics say it is. He certainly would never have launched a mobile device that lacks GPS capabilities.

Jobs was so brilliant that most people seemed to forgive or ignore his tyrannical behavior because we have coveted the fruits of his genius. That genius drove Apple into becoming the world’s most valuable company.

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The genius of Jobs is gone and so is the tyranny. In Tim Cook, Apple has a kinder, gentler, more transparent CEO. Cook is operational. He understands supply chain logistics, costs of goods sold and all the stuff that most CEOs need to know. He is unlikely to prod and humiliate employees the way Jobs did, but unfortunately, there is no evidence he will invent and disrupt the way that Jobs did.

Maybe the changes were inevitable, no matter who was at the helm. Times of great innovation are often brief and stormy. They are usually followed by longer periods of refinement. Entrepreneurs who get things started are often replaced by managers who can squeeze efficiency and productivity.

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