Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Despite Rosy Q3 Results, These Are The 11 Most Serious Questions Still Facing ... - Forbes

Facebook(FB) had a great earnings call yesterday.

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...

Image via CrunchBase

Earlier in the week, I spoke with Yahoo Finance’s Jeff Macke about the three things that I thought that Facebook needed to address in the call:

  1. A boost in ad impressions and revenues
  2. An increase in ARPU in the US and Canada.
  3. More “winning” case studies from advertisers.

They did all three.

Ads and ad revenue reaccelerated in the quarter, up 36% on a year-over-year basis (even higher if held in constant currencies), which was better than the nearly 28% figure from Q2.

ARPU in the US and Canada was up to $3.40 from $3.20 in Q2.

And Sheryl Sandberg had lots of tidbit case studies and factoids about how engagement and recall was much higher from mobile newsfeed ads compared to desktop right-hand bar ads.

The market took the report as a sign that Facebook has reignited a growth story â€" which is why the stock is up 20% today.

There is a lot of good news Facebook management wanted to tell.  If I was on their team, these are the bullets I would hit (and they did):

  • We’ve got over 600 million mobile users and 1 billion users. We can make money from that.
  • ARPU is growing again.
  • We’re probably going to have another monster Q4.
  • We did $150 million in mobile ads last quarter, compared to zero 7 months ago â€" and we weren’t really even trying. Imagine what we’ll do when we get our act together.
  • Zynga’s sucking wind but that’s a Zynga story. Our other gaming partners saw revenues increase 40% year on year.
  • Instagram is now bigger than Twitter.  Again, we’ll figure out a way to make money from it.
  • People visit our site more from mobile than they do from their desktops.  How is that a bad thing?
  • We served more ads this quarter.
  • Our product teams are now responsible for driving ads, so this is a priority for us.
  • We are going to release our new Android app soon which should be a lot faster.

Yet, there are still 11 very serious questions facing the company:

  • Are you at or close to a ceiling for new user growth? You’ve made it to a billion users, which is mind-blowing, but how much more can you really grow that â€" especially if you’re blocked from entering China? If you’re at a ceiling, you would agree that your growth story is all about getting your ARPU up. But ARPU has been pretty flat for almost two years now ($1.29 in the most recent quarter versus $1.26 in Q4 of 2010).
  • Are your desktop ad sales about to tumble? We know you did $152 million in mobile ad sales last quarter, which is great.  But that means you did $933 million in desktop ad sales which was a decline compared to Q2.  Is this the beginning of a much sharper drop in desktop ad sales?  People spent a lot of money over the last two years on Facebook experimenting with it, but now isn’t the experimenting going to be shifting full-force to mobile?  Won’t there be a big drop in desktop ad sales which is a big billion dollar a quarter business now?
  • Won’t a rapid mobile ad shift monetize far lower than your desktop ad business?  Mark Zuckerberg is quite confident that mobile will monetize even higher than desktop “in the long-term.” I’m glad that he’s confident. But how long is “long-term”? The web has been around for 20 years and it still doesn’t “monetize” as well as TV.  Will mobile better monetize than desktop in 30 years?  Mark and Sheryl were asked whether mobile would cannibalize desktop ads point blank last night and basically punted.
  • If you’ve got desktop dollars being replaced by mobile nickels by the same advertisers in 2013 and 2014, how do you keep the top-line growing?  From many more experimenter advertisers? From payments?
  • Top line revenues are still slowing sequentially. When will that shift?  They’re not yet reaccelerating, although that will probably change in Q4.  Payments shrank 8% sequentially in Q3 while ads growth 9.5% which was down from 14% in the prior quarter.
  • Where was bump in engagement most expected from the deep integration of Facebook into iOS 6?  When Twitter got deeply in bed with Apple (AAPL) last year by integrating into iOS 5, they saw a tripling in tweets and that half of the photos uploaded to Twitter came from Apple devices.  On last night’s call, Zuckerberg said that Facebook had seen a 20% increase in engagement (likes and comments) post-iOS 6 integration. Why so low by comparison?  This integration only became available in September, but I would have thought Facebook would make a big deal of it. That they didn’t probably says something.
  • Can Facebook legitimately call itself a “platform” any more?  Back in the good old desktop days, you had folks building games that tied them into the platform.  Now they are separate apps from the Facebook app, leaning on Facebook to get some user info.  Facebook’s not really monetizing that “leaning” today.  Zuckerberg said he hoped these apps would advertise on Facebook in the future.  But is this a platform?  Zuckerberg says yes, because he’s sharing his social information with the apps.  I think that’s pretty flimsy.  Zuckerberg even back-pedalled on the call that Facebook had been a platform before for the game companies because their websites were always separate from Facebook’s site.  But he certainly loved to call it a locked-in platform back then.  And that’s because “platform” companies are seen to be worth more than “app” companies.
  • Are most of the higher engagement scores in mobile due to fat fingers on smart phones?  One analyst asked Dave Ebersman to break out click-through rates for ads on smart phones versus tablets. He declined, which says a lot.
  • If Facebook Connect and single-sign on is such a big opportunity as some suggest, why wouldn’t Apple be pushing its 400 million Apple ID users to login everywhere with that? Is Apple just “missing it” or is there not really an opportunity?
  • Will the user experience on Facebook be degraded as they push more mobile ads in the news feed?  Sandberg was also asked this directly and said to basically not worry about it because they monitor the issue.
  • Now that the “product team” and engineers are accountable for ads, isn’t is a fair question to ask: what do they know about ads?  Google (GOOG) didn’t become Google because some engineers got put in charge of putting ads next to Gmail.  They had great search and they stumbled upon the greatest business model in the world with AdWords.  Then they slapped AdWords against every new product like Maps, Gmail, and YouTube.

The Web has a history of Ad giants of the day â€" like AOL with “AOL Keyword”, Yahoo, MySpace, or Lycos â€" being surpassed by the next big thing in ads.  It’s not so much that any of these former leaders shot themselves in the foot as much as it was that something else new and interesting came along to attract advertisers.  And by the way, all the while, the great offline to online ad migration was much slower to happen than anyone expected.

So Facebook has two big threats going into 2013.

  1. That the “kick the tire” advertisers are going to allocate more of their 2013 ad spend on mobile than desktop, which Facebook will monetize at lower levels.
  2. That Facebook users won’t like the ads stuffing their news feeds and disengage more.

Longer-term, Facebook’s big threat is that something else comes along that’s much cooler than it, which is somehow much more compelling in a mobile world.

[Long YHOO and AAPL]

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